First STAMP/STPA Workshop at MIT



Day 1 (April 17, 2012)





Introductory Comments, Joe Sussman, MIT ESD Interim Director

Introductory Comments, Jaime Peraire, MIT Aero/Astro Department Head

Welcome to the STAMP/STPA Workshop, Nancy Leveson

Beginner’s Tutorial

STPA and CAST Tutorial, Nancy Leveson

Advanced Tutorial

STPA Guided Exercise (aerospace example), John Thomas

STPA Group Exercise

-       Unmanned Cargo Transfer Spacecraft, Takuto Ishimatsu

-       Electronic Throttle Control, Qi Hommes

CAST Guided Exercise (food example), John Helferich

CAST Group Exercise

-       Qantas flight QF32

-       Toyota unintended acceleration



Day 2 (April 18, 2012)




Session 1

“Using STPA in the Development of An Artificial Pancreas”, Lane Desborough, Medtronics

“Evaluation of STPA in the Safety Analysis of the Gantry 2 Proton Radiation Therapy System”, Martin Rejzek, PSI

“Experiences with STAMP in Aviation Accident Analysis”, Paul Nelson, ComAir and ALPA

Session 2

“Introducing STAMP in Road Tunnels Safety Assessment”, Kostis Karazas, National Technical University of Athens

“Analyzing Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Accidents using STAMP”, Stathis Malakis, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority

“Extending and Automating STPA for Requirements Generation and Analysis”, John Thomas, MIT

Panel: Introducing STPA into an Organization

-       Introducing STAMP, Helferich, MIT

-       Spreading an Idea Virus, Lane Desborough, Medtronic

Session 3

“Experiences and Challenges in using STAMP for Accident  Analysis”, Kirsten van Schaardenburg-Verhoeve and Niels Smit, Dutch Safety Board

“Applicability/Compatibility of STPA with FAA Regulations and Guidance”, Mike Dewalt/Peter Skaves, FAA

“Safety Analysis of a Diagnostic Medical Device”, Vincent Balgos

“EWaSAP: An Early Warning Sign Identification Approach Based on STPA”, Ioannis Dokas, University College Cork, Ireland

Session 4

“Experiences with STPA in Defense Applications”, Grady Lee, Safeware Engineering

“Analysis of Railway Accidents in China”, Dajiang Suo, Tsinghua University (paper version)

“STPA Analysis of an Adaptive Cruise Control System”, Qi van Eikema Hommes, MIT



Day 3 (April 19, 2012)




Session 5

Panel on the Need for New Approaches

-       Nuclear: "Particle Accelerators - Their Hazards and the Perception of Safety", Kelly Mahoney (Jefferson Labs)

-       Oil and Gas: "System Safety for the Oil and Gas Industry", Mark Silverstone

-       Occupational Safety: "Can We Apply STAMP/STPA to Occupational Injuries?", Marvin Dainoff (Liberty Mutual Research Institute)

-       Medical Devices: "Radiation Therapy Safety", Dan Low (UCLA)

-       Automobiles: "Why We Need Something New in the Automotive Industry", Qi Hommes (MIT)

-       Dams: "Dam Safety", Patrick Regan (FERC)

Session 6

“Analyzing German Vehicle Traffic using STAMP/STPA”, Rene Sebastian Hosse, University of Braunscheig

“Using STAMP/STPA in the Early Architectural Design of a Manned Spacecraft”, Haruka Nakao, JAMSS (to be posted soon)

“Combining STPA and Assurance Cases”, Stefan Wagner, University of Stuttgart

Session 7

“Handling Multiple Controllers in STPA”, Ryo Ujiie, JAXA and Takuto Ishimatsu, MIT

“Systems Thinking and Web Security”, Mike Stone, Akamai (PDF version)

“Using STPA in the Design of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room”, A. Lucas Stephane, Florida Institute of Technology

Session 8

“Integrating Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles Into the NAS”, Natasha Neogi, NASA Langley/NIA

“The STAMP Pyramid”, Col. William Young, U.S. Air Force and MIT