2024 MIT STAMP Workshop
Virtual workshop:
- September 23-26, 11am-1pm Eastern Time
- Cost: Free to all
2024 STAMP Workshop quick links:
- What is the annual MIT STAMP Workshop?
- 2024 Workshop General Info
- Program (Sept, Virtual)
- Call for Presentations
- Registration
- Video Tutorials on STAMP, STPA, and CAST
Submit a draft presentation or a detailed description by July 25, 2024. Submissions after that date will be considered, but will have a lower priority than submissions before that date.
Decisions will be announced in early August 2024. A final slide deck can be submitted the week before the workshop is held.
All presentations should be related to STAMP but otherwise the topics are open.
Special emphasis this year:
- Cost to apply STPA / CAST
- Time required to complete STPA / CAST
- Introducing STAMP, STPA, and CAST into organizations
- Information about return on investment, resources required, learnability, and other practical details
- What impact you’ve had with these approaches (technical, operational, financial, social, or cultural impacts)
- Developing contractual language or supplier requirements for STPA
- Evaluations and comparative studies with other approaches
- Enabling effective oversight and quality control of STPA efforts
- Prioritizing the results from STPA and CAST
Other possible topics for presentations (not limited to these):
- Experiences using STPA, STPA-Sec, and CAST
- Safety-guided and Security-guided design using STPA and STPA-Sec
- Using STPA to make decisions
- Accident/loss analyses
- Regulatory and Certification/Licensing decisions
- Evaluations and comparisons with traditional techniques
- Risk management and identifying leading indicators
- Applications to security and other areas such as workplace safety
- Safety Management System (SMS) development and evaluation
- Tools, processes, and other support for analysis and design using STPA and CAST
- Management and adoption experiences or challenges
- Applications to other emergent properties (beyond safety and security)
- Unique applications or applications to important problems or new areas
As in previous years, the workshop will prioritize industry applications and practical user experiences over more theoretical and academic proposals, which are better suited for other venues.
Your talk proposal should explain:
- The topic or problem you studied
- How you went about solving the problem
- Examples of the work that was done (such as a control structure, UCAs, etc.)
- Insights/conclusions of your work that demonstrate its value.
- What are the “AHA!” moments from your work?
Be sure to include enough information for reviewers to evaluate what was done, the relevance to the STAMP workshop, and overall quality of the work.
Proposals can be submitted either as a document or as rough draft slides. If you submit slides, please include slide notes or slide text with any relevant explanations or discussion points so it is clear to the reviewers. The proposal does not have to be polished or complete, but it needs to be understandable and contain enough information for reviewers to evaluate the work that was done.
Review your work before submission to avoid the common mistakes described in:
- Common Mistakes Using STAMP And Its Tools
- Common Mistakes in STPA and CAST
If your presentation involves STPA, please review the STPA Handbook and its guidelines.
If your presentation involves CAST, please review the CAST Handbook and its guidelines.
Past presenters have come from industry, government, and academia. Application areas have included aviation, air traffic control, medical devices, healthcare, oil and gas, automotive, rail, chemicals, space, human factors, robots, security, defense, workplace safety, and others.
If you are considering modifications to the steps of STPA or CAST, make sure you have thoroughly assessed the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed changes. Our reviewers expect any new, unproven approaches to be carefully tested, including evaluating and acknowledging the advantages and disadvantages. Most workshop participants are industry professionals seeking practical, immediate solutions, rather than academics exploring unproven concepts. While well-tested method enhancements are welcome, please note that the acceptance criteria might be more stringent than venues with a more academic focus. Modifying the steps of STPA or CAST is not required for acceptance, and most presentations do not do so.
Review Criteria
Reviewers will be asked to make an accept/reject decision based on the following criteria:
- Topic is relevant and of interest to the STAMP community
- Majority of the content is focused on STAMP-based methods, such as STPA and CAST
- Avoids the common mistakes in STAMP, STPA, and CAST
- Does not violate the criteria in the STPA Handbook (if the presentation involves STPA)
- Does not violate the criteria in the CAST Handbook (if the presentation involves CAST)
- Contains a detailed description of the work that was done and the findings / insights produced
- If applicable, contains examples of the losses, hazards, control structure, UCAs, process models or mental models, scenarios, or contextual factors to evaluate the quality of the work
- The value and impact of the work done is clearly demonstrated and is stated in the conclusions
- Successful submission #1
- Successful submission #2
How to submit your proposal
If the submission link above is being blocked by a firewall or is not working, try emailing it directly (show instructions).