2015 STAMP Accommodations:
Boston/Cambridge hotels are expensive, but you can get very good deals if you book early through a booking service. Check the internet. I found much better rates there (when I just checked) than the group rates they gave us below.
We have booked room blocks at the following hotels in the area. Please book ASAP to ensure the group rate, but, again, you may be able to do better on line for the same hotels.:
Boston Marriott in Cambridge: $269.00/night/room
Book your group rate: MIT STAMP Conference Room Block >>
or call Marriott Central Reservations at 1-888-236-2427 & ask for STAMP rate. Must book before cutoff date of Friday, February 27, 2015.
Hotel Tria Best Western @ Alewife: $169/night for king beds
Call 866-33-8742 to make reservations & reference “2015 STAMP Workshop at MIT.”
All reservations must be made prior to 20 February 2015 to receive the discounted rate.
If you book early, you may be able to get good rates at other Boston/Cambridge hotels, but try to get near a subway stop for convenient transportation to MIT. Some other hotels near Kendall Square include the Kendall Square Hotel (only a block from the most likely meeting rooms at MIT) and the Cambridge Hyatt (which has a shuttle service to Kendall Square).