Alternate Registration

2025 MIT STAMP Workshop


For those who cannot use the registration form (it is sometimes blocked by company firewalls), you might try accessing the link with a different computer or outside of your VPN if possible. If that doesn't work, manually the following information to (John Thomas, Program Chair of the 2025 MIT STAMP Workshop). You should receive a confirmation email within a few days. You can use this link to open a new email with the fields pre-populated. Please include these fields in your email:

Email subject: "Request: 2025 MIT STAMP Workshop Registration"
First Name: <>
Last Name: <>
Email address: <>
Company or Organization you are affiliated with: <>
What is your level of experience with STAMP-based methods (e.g. STPA, CAST, or others): <>
    1) No awareness at all
    2) Have only heard/seen these acronyms mentioned in context
    3) Have heard/read descriptions of a STAMP-based method, but haven't tried using it
    4) Started using a STAMP-based method
    5) Completed an application using a STAMP-based method
    6) Actively using STAMP-based methods (more than one time)
Industry (e.g. Aviation, Space, etc.): <>
Discipline (e.g. Safety, Security, Human Factors, Software, etc.): <>
Tutorial interest (check all that apply):
____ STAMP and Systems Theory (Nancy Leveson)
____ STPA (John Thomas)
____ CAST (Nancy Leveson)

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