2017 STAMP Workshop Presentations

Monday March 27

Intro to STAMP and Systems Theory, Nancy Leveson (MIT)    slides

STPA Intro, John Thomas   (MIT)    slides

STPA Tutorial,  John Thomas (MIT)      slides

STPA Practicum Andrea Scarinci and Diogo Castilho (MIT) slides

CAST Intro, Examples, Nancy Leveson (MIT) slides

CAST Practicum, Lorena Pelegrin Alvarez (MIT) 

Cyber-Security and STPA    Col. Bill Young (USAF) slides

Human-Automation Interaction in STPA MeganFrance (MIT) slides

STAMP in Workplace Safety, E. Howard, K. Belvin, S.  Murray,  L. Juhnke (Boeing, USA) L. Hettinger (Liberty Mutual R. Inst for Safety, USA), M. France (MIT)  slides

 Tuesday March 28

Nancy Leveson, Welcome STAMP Workshop 2017 slides

John Thomas, Nancy Leveson, Masa Katahira, Naoki Ishimama, Nobuyuki Hoshino, A Process for STPA: STAMP Accident Model of HITOMI and Expansion to Future Safety Culture (MIT, Japanese Space Agency JAXA, and Japan Manned Space Systems Corp JAMSS)  slides

Katherine Belvin, Using STPA Trend Analysis to Detemine Key System Drivers (Boeing, USA) slides

Daniel Pereira, Celso Hirata, Rodrigo Pagliares, Francisco de Lemos. STPA-Sec for Security of Flight Management System (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica ITA,  Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN and Embraer, Brazil) slides

Torben Stolte, Marcus Nolte, Bernd Amlang, and Markus Maurer. Evaluating High Voltage Safety Measures for an Experimental Full-by-Wire Vehicle Utilizing STPA (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, Stolte) slides

Andrea Scarinci, Felipe Xavier de Oliveira, Ricardo Moraes, Amanda Iriarte Quilici, Daniel Patrick, Danilo da Costa Ribeiro. A complete STPA Application to the Air Management System of Embraer Regional Jets family (Embraer, Brazil) slides

Sarah Summer, Sarah Folse, Dan Montes, STAMP applied to SUAS at Edwards AFB (U.S. Air  Force and MIT) slides

Ioannis Dokas, Towards a STAMP-Based Safety Plans Approach for Construction Projects (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece) slides

Greg Pope, STPA for the Internet of Things (IOT) (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) slides and paper

Nicolas Malloy, Using STPA to Develop a MIL-STD-882E Compliant FHA and Promote Organizational Change (General Dynamics Missions Systems, USA) slides

Liz Juhnke, The Human Element: Integrating User Research into STPA for Workplace Safety Analysis (Boeing, USA) slides

John Thomas, Implementing STPA Successfully in Industry slides

Andrea Scarinci and Felipe Xavier de Oliveira. STPA in Industry: Roles, Resources, and Best Practice (MIT and Embraer, Brazil)  slides

Wednesday March 29

Jay Fleming (Invited Talk), Boston Fire Department:  Why the failure to investigate residential fires for “cause of death” instead of simply “cause of the fire, ” i.e. is it arson or accidental, has led to the failure to identify simple solutions that could save hundreds of lives per year (Boston Fire Department, USA) slides

Megan France, CAST Analysis of a Boston Fire (MIT) slides

Sotic Aleksandar Sotic and Marko Ivetic, STAMP as Risk Analysis Method for Water Supply Systems  (Belgrade Public Water Utility and University of Belgrade, Serbia) slides

David Horney and Alex Boydston, STPA During Early Concept Formation for Military Rotorcraft, (MIT, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army) slides

John Thomas, Analyzing System Changes and Impact on Human Interactions  (MIT)

Schnaid Michael Schnaid and Daniel Hartmann, CAST analysis of the 2003 critical baby food disastrous event in Israel, (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) slides

Gerrit Bagschik, Markus Maurer, Klaus Bengler, Uwe Becker, Rene Hosse, Evolution Issues of Automated Driving Functions by Application of Systemic Accident Analysis: On the Example of the Tesla Model S Fatality (Technical University of Braunschweig and Technical University of Munich, Germany) slides

Mikela Chatzimichailidou, A STAMP-Based Dissimilarity Indicator for Railway Maintenance (Imperial College, U.K.) slides

Esteban Montero, Application of STPA to understand marine operations at Chevron  (Chevron Corporation Energy Technology Company, USA)

Kumar Kadupokotla Kumar, STPA analysis for Clinical Programming Software of Cochlear Implant System for Profoundly Deaf People (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India) slides

Daniel Sepulveda, The use of STPA for understanding cyber risks in a physical supply chain  (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) slides

Kip Johnson, Extending STPA for Coordination Analysis  (U.S. Air Force) slides

Thursday March 30

Haneet Mahajan, Thomas Bradley and Sudeep Pasricha. Application of STPA to a lane keeping assist system (Colorado State University, USA) slides

Stephanie Alvarez, Yves Page, Franck Gurarnieri, CASCAD: Casual Analysis using STAMP to Connect and Automated Driving  (Ecole des Mines Paris Tech and Renault, France) slides

Carlos Lahoz and Idoaldo Lima, Preliminary CAST analysis of LaMia CP-2933 accident (Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica ITA, Brazil) slides

Ioana Koglbauer, STPA-Based Model of Threat and Error Management in Dual Flight Instruction   (Technical Univ. of Graz, Austria) slides

Idoaldo Lima, Carlos Lahoz, Marcelo Sousa, and Claudio Alves. CAST analysis of the PT-OVC Learjet 35A accident in Sao Paulo (Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica ITA, and  Universidade Federal de Itajubá UNIFEI, Brazil) slides

Simon Whiteley, Applying CAST: Runway Incursion Case Study  (Whiteley Consulting, U.K.) slides

Diogo Castilho, Scenarios of over-automation in flight testing of manned aircraft, (MIT and Brazilian Air Force) slides

Asim Abdulkaleq, Pierre Blueher, Daniel Lammering. Using STPA in Compliance with ISO26262 for developing a Safe Architecture for Fully Automated Vehicles (University of Stuttgart, Germany) slides



Martin Rejzek and  Sven Stefan Krauss. STPA Based Hazard and Risk Analysis Tool SAHRA  (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)

Martin Rejzek and Svana Helen Björnsdóttir. Enhanced Risk Management Framework ERMF (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland and Stiki Information Services, Iceland)

Manabu Okada. Using STPA Improving Method of Derivation of Safety Requirements for ISO 26262 Development JASPAR (Nissan Motor Company, Japan)

Yukihiro Mihara, Keisuke Toyama, Takashi Kawano and Shigeru Kanemoto. A proposal for “Hint words” to identify hazard causal factors for systems including human and/or organization (Information Processing Technology Agency IPA, East Japan Railway Company and the University of Aizu, Japan)

Yusuke Kaizuka. Comparison of Railway system between U.S. and Japan (MIT)

Ephraim Chen. STPA Analysis of Auto-Hold (MIT and Boeing, USA)

Yasuhiko Kawabe, Natthaphon Laochintanasri, Masahiro Udo, and Tatsuki Mikami. The case study of the results and considerations in the autonomous system in boat operation in coastal area concerning STAMP/STPA (Japan MOT Society, Nissan Motor Company, Univance Corporation and Hosei University, Japan)

Felipe Xavier de Oliveira, Amanda Quilici, Danilo Costa, Ricardo Santos, Daniel Patrick, Cyber/security is not only a tech problem: Embraer Experience (Embraer, Brazil)

Sotic Aleksandar Sotic and Marko Ivetic.  STAMP as Risk Analysis Method for Water Supply Systems (Belgrade Public Water Utility and University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Daniel Lammering, Pierre Blueher, Asim Abdulkhaleq. Using STPA in Compliance with ISO 26262 for developing a safe architecture for fully automated vehicles (University of Stuttgart, Germanyy)


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